
What are the drawbacks be a programmer?

Hello everyone, welcome to a new article in which I will be telling you what the drawbacks of being a programmer are (if you had them as a programmer), how do you know today more and more people are introducing in the world of programming and you wonder where there is programming? And in reality it is found in practically everything we know or use, from a coffee maker to our iPhone or Android cell phone. But does working as a programmer have drawbacks?

“People change when they realize the power they have to change stuff”
Paulo Coelho

First drawback

A "drawback" that we can consider if we dedicate ourselves to working as programmers is that during our working hours we spend too much time sitting, that is, it is a sedentary task for which we will have days of 8 hours or more working sitting, although today there are certain customs so that we are not sitting all the time, this requires a small investment since we must have a height-adjustable desk. With this, it will allow us to work for a certain time standing, we could even place a treadmill underneath and do some exercise while we work. For this reason, it is recommended that we have the habit of exercising, dedicating ourselves to some sport or attending a gym.

Second drawback

Another drawback that we could consider is that most of the work is remote and perhaps we should have better communication with our colleagues since when working remotely and even more so as this's a profession where the essential thing is to know how to work as a team. Working remotely will not be the same as working going to the office, therefore, it's very important that we have good communication with our colleagues.

Another drawback

A drawback for those who start programming is when we get to the web part, from there the learning curve gets complicated, but don't be afraid that with a lot of practice and dedication it's something that we can overcome.

The last drawback

Continuing with those who are juniors, another disadvantage is that you will have more competition for a job than someone who has a Seniority in programming, so the more you practice, the better it will be for you and your learning. Keep in mind that it's not the years that give you the Seniority in the programming, but your knowledge of technologies.


To finish this article and analyzing what we have mentioned before, in reality we don't have drawbacks since they all have a solution and it depends exclusively on us that these are not "drawbacks".

Much courage future programmer!

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